●日時 2024年11月27日(水)14:00~16:30
●会場 オンラインと来場のハイブリッド開催(いずれも要申込)
●申込 下記URLよりお申し込みください
●共催: 国際学部付属研究所 共同研究「『世界音楽』の現在」
※大学構内および近隣に駐車場はございません。 公共交通機関をご利用ください。
講 演 |
Dr. Ruth Smith (英国ヘンデル協会 Handel Society London) 'Creating national art: the soil in which Handel planted English oratorio’ Handel introduced oratorio to Britain, but the ground for its creation and its popularity was already prepared. The words he set to music were provided to him by English writers steeped in British culture, who often also suggested the subjects of the oratorios. In retrospect, we see that Handel’s oratorios responded to the voices in British religion, literature, public entertainment and political commentary which were calling for a means of asserting national identity, fostering patriotism, strengthening faith, and improving art. Writing for the elite audiences of his time, Handel created a form of unacted music drama which became a defining national genre. |
討 論 | 等松 春夫(防衛大学校教授・Elgar Society (UK))
Tomatsu, Haruo (National Defence Academy, Elgar Society (UK)) |
司 会 | 半澤 朝彦(明治学院大学 国際学部教授) Hanzawa, Asahiko (Meiji Gakuin University) |
●Dr. Ruth Smith short biography
Ruth Smith graduated with a first-class degree in English from Cambridge University. Her publications include her monograph Handel's Oratorios and Eighteenth-Century Thought (Cambridge University Press, 1995), which was awarded a British Academy prize and a Cambridge University PhD; over 20 entries in the Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia; contributions to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; an illustrated biography of Charles Jennens; and numerous articles in academic journals. She is a Council member and trustee of the Handel Institute (London).
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