Japan-US International Workshop

Reducing Threats Posed by Nuclear Weapons :
Possible Cooperation between Japan and the United States

January 24-25, 2009
Meiji Gakuin University , Main Building , Conference Hall

Co-sponsored by Center for Global Partnership, Pugwash USA , Pugwash Japan .
Organized by Institute for International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University



            January 24 (Sat)

Opening Session
Opening Remark
Prof. Takeshi HARA (Director, Institute for International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University )

Keynote Speeches
Amb. Rolf EKEUS (Chair, Swedish Pugwash)
                                  Prof. Mitsuru KUROSAWA (Professor, Osaka Jogakuin College )
10:15 Coffee Break

Session 1 : Raising Awareness of Threats Posed by Nuclear Weapons

Chair : Prof. AKIYAMA

Nuclear weapons pose a realistic threat to humanity, but both the decision-makers and the public seem to remain more or less ignorant towards this fact. This session will focus on the reality the world faces today, and will try to find ways to raise awareness among the general public.

Dr. Jeffrey BOUTWELL (Executive Director, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs)
      gNuclear Weapons and American Public Opinion: Is Change Coming?h

Prof. John FINNEY (Professor, University College Londonj
      gChanging Attitudes and Identity About Nuclear Weapons Issues: Reaching Pivotal Constituencies.h

Prof. Tomohiro INAGAKI (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Universityj
 gA Scientific Reexamination of Nuclear Threatsh

12:00 Lunch

Session 2 : A Critical Examination on the Role of Nuclear Weapons

Chair : Prof. EDEN

Despite the threat posed by nuclear weapons, nuclear disarmament is hardly moving forward. How are we to reduce the role nuclear weapons play in international politics? This session tries to critically reexamine the enduring dependence on nuclear weapons.

Prof. Masako IKEGAMI ( Professor, Stockholm University )
      gA Historical Examination on the Decision-Making Process of the Use of Nuclear Weaponsh

Prof. ZHAO Wuwen (Professor, China Academy of Engineering Physics)
      gThe Frontal Defense of National Military Territory and the Complicated Security Assuranceh

Prof. Takao TAKAHARA (Professor, Meiji Gakuin University)
      gReconsidering the Japanese Dependence on "Nuclear Umbrella"h

Ms. Wakana MUKAI ( Ph.D. Candidate, University of Tokyo)
      gThe Paradoxical Implication of the Nonproliferation Regimeh

15:30 Coffee Break

Session 3 : Compatibility of the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy with Nuclear Nonproliferation

Chair : Prof. FINNEY

With a wide concern on energy security and global warming, nuclear energy is increasingly drawing attention. Yet, technology used in these activities can quickly be linked to the development of nuclear weapons. This session will focus on new proposals to deal with this basic problem, such as the MNA, and seek opportunities for U.S.-Japan cooperation in this field.

Prof. Tatsujiro SUZUKI (Visiting Professor, University of Tokyo )
Dr. Tadahiro KATSUTA (Researcher, Meiji Gakuin University )

      gA Proposal for Multilateral Nuclear Fuel Cycle Approach: Ideas and Challengesh

Prof. Jor-Shan CHOI (Project Professor, University of Tokyo )
      gA Regional Network of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities for Asia Pacifich

Prof. Nobumasa AKIYAMA (Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi University )
      gThe Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and the Control of Nuclear Materialh

18:30 Reception

            January 25 (Sun)


Session 4 : Opportunity for a U.S.-Japan Cooperation

Chair : Prof. SUZUKI

United States is the largest and most powerful nuclear weapons state : Japan is the only country that has experienced the dropping of atomic bombs. What can these two countries with their own uniqueness do to cooperate in nuclear issues? This session will focus on this question and tries to frame policy implications for the future.


Prof. Lynn EDEN (Professor, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University )
      g Implications of the U.S. 'Gang of Four' Initiative 'Toward a Nuclear-Free World ' h


Prof. Lawrence SCHEINMAN (commentary only)(Distinguished Professor, Washington Office, James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies)


Prof. Heigo SATO (paper only)(Professor, Takushoku University )
      gConditions for Nuclear-Free-Northeast Asia h


Prof. Akira KUROSAKI (Adjunct Professor , Rikkyo University )
      gA Step Toward Zero Through Japan-U.S. Cooperationh

10:30 Coffee Break

Session 5 : For a Policy Implication

Co-Chair : Prof. TAKAHARA and Dr. BOUTWELL

Overall Comments : Mr. Fumihiko YOSHIDA (Editorial Writer, The Asahi Shimbun)

Closing Session

Closing Remarks   Dr. Jeffrey BOUTWELL
